Monday, April 21, 2008

Is It True?

Is it true that any publicity is good publicity? We shall see. Recent examples of negative publicity that may pay off are the Gossip Girl racy OMFG ad campaign and Ashlee Simpson’s engagement/possible pregnancy. Gossip Girl goes back on the air tonight with new episodes and Ashlee Simpson’s new CD drops tomorrow. Neither would have received much attention without the controversies, so we will see if the publicity helps with viewers and sales or not. Gossip Girl had some backlash from the ads and changed them slightly, but they were just trying to get a buzz, and it worked. On the other hand, I think it is a fair guess that Joe Simpson leaked the pregnancy rumors to get attention on Ashlee even though it goes against all he believes in as a minister. I am worried about Gossip Girl though. I like the show, but between the over the top ad campaign and adding a new character, I have to wonder if they are already running out of material or feeling desperate. Are they hoping the new character will be to Gossip Girl what Heather Locklear was to Melrose Place? For the record…I will be watching Gossip Girl tonight, but still have no interest in buying Ashlee Simpson’s new CD.

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