Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jenny Craig: Week 8

I had one bad day this week, but overall did much better than the week before and lost 1.6 this week. I'm now at a total of 9.6 on JC and 16.8 in total. I am only about 3 pounds away from my all time lowest weight as an adult (or teenager). I would like to go lower than that, but don't even really know what weight would make me feel skinny and happy with my weight since I have never been there in my life.


Anonymous said...

YOU ARE AMAZING!!! If I could get below the weight I was in high school, hell would freeze over. That is so awesome, congratulations!! All your hard work is paying off in a very big way!

Anonymous said...

3 pounds is so amazingly close!!! You should be really proud of yourself!