Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - Things I Dislike

Hate is a strong word, so here are thirteen things I strongly dislike.

1. Mayonnaise. I would rather not eat than eat something that has mayo on it.

2. Black beans. I love Mexican food, but make it with pinto beans for me please.

3. San Francisco Giants. I was raised a Dodger fan so I might actually use the word hate on this one.

4. Mornings. I have never been a morning person and never will. The only good reason to get up early is to go on vacation.

5. Dentist. I don’t even like hearing a dentist’s drill or anything that sounds like it.

6. Driving in an ice storm…especially on roads that have not been treated. Thanks VDOT that was great fun.

7. Spam email. Does anyone actually open these or click on the links anyway?

8. People who come to work sick. Please just stay home and keep your germs to yourself. It’s not like you are getting any work done anyway.

9. Cleaning bathrooms. I would get a house cleaner, but I don’t like the idea of giving someone a key to my house. There are 4 and a half bathrooms in my house, so this is quite a chore.

10. People who bring too much carry on luggage on a plane.

11. The vent that blows on me constantly at work.

12. Birds of prey

13. People who wait for cars to pull out in a parking lot when there are open spots just a few spaces down.


Unknown said...

We share many strong dislikes, like cleaning bathrooms, I was spoiled growing up my dad always did I am trying to train my kids to do it, not working so well.
Happy TT, Hope you'll visit my 34th T13...Weird Word Verifications" at The Cafe.

Phoebe Jordan said...

Happy TT! I also have some of the same strong dislikes you do. I also strongly dislike Mayonnaise, Mornings, Spam Mail, Cleaning Bathrooms and a couple of other things that you didn't mention. Hope to see you at my 3rd edition about J.R. Ward at Talk About My Favorite Authors blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I think this is MY list! There's not a thing on here I can't relate to (well except for black beans... I really love them!) Too much carry on luggage drives me crazzzzzy because no one can ever figure out how to stow them properly and avoid hitting me in the head.

Sandy M said...

I love mayo, but really dislike cleaning the bathroom, spam email and junk mail, and some you didn't add. Great posts idea for TT. Great post. Happy TT!

Wani said...

Love your blog name!

Qtpies7 said...

I hate cleaning bathrooms, too.