Monday, March 23, 2009

Blog Anniversary

Today is my blog anniversary! I really cannot believe I have kept this up for a year. Usually I get excited by something and get all into it, then lose interest and move on to something else. I thought I would post every day, but that hasn't happened. I do have over 200 posts so on average that's about every 2 out of 3 days. I'm happy that I have kept true to what I said I would write about in my first post and I'm a bit disappointed that I do not have more regular readers. I am very grateful to my regular readers...Jenn, Jennifer, Laura, Deb, are awesome. If there are any others...leave some comments so I know who you are!


Laura said...

Woohoo! I got a shout out!

Unknown said...

me too! thanks girl!

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

There's too many of us!

Happy Blog-aversary!!! Yahoo! I'm with you, I usually get excited about things and burn out quickly on them. I'm surprised I've kept a blog this long too.